1. Does your school currently have a designated person(s) for coordinating HIV/AIDS/STDs prevention or sexual health promotion or health? Yes <Y> No <Y> If no skip to q3) If yes please describe:
principal/vice- <Y> guidance couns <Y> dept head <Y> classroom teacher <Y> Other <A > <Y>
2. Do you anticipate a change in the assignment of this person?
School is currently reorganizing or reviewing its
structure. The likely outcome is not clear. <Y>
A change in structures will occur on <Y> <dd/mm/yy>
The school has reviewed its structures but the school health coordinator role will remain
No change in these assignments is anticipated at this time <Y>
3. Does your school have a written policy or document that expresses long term goals for:
HIV education: Ministry guidelines <Y> district guidelines <Y> school <Y> no written document <Y>
STD prevention: Ministry guidelines <Y> district guidelines <Y> school <Y> no written document <Y>
sexuality education: Ministry guidelines <Y> district guidelines <Y> school <Y> no written document <Y>
4. Does your school have a written or explicit action plan that covers HIV/AIDS/STDs or sexual health?
Yes <Y> Please indicate the year <dd/mm/yy>
No. <Y>
Partially <Y>
Please elaborate: <A >
DK <Y>
5. Has any reference been made to HIV/AIDS/STDs or sexual health in any of the following:
a) the last annual report of the school yes <Y> No
<Y> DK <Y>
b) any formal statement or document of system priorities by the school Yes <Y> No
<Y> DK <Y>
c) any internal planning document Yes <Y> No <Y> DK <Y>
6. Does your school mission statement/goals/education philosophy document include a statement on promoting the health and well-being of students or staff? Yes <Y> No <Y> DK <Y>
7. Has there been a disclosure of a student or staff member in your school who has been infected with HIV? Yes <Y> No <Y> DK <Y>
8. Are there any students in your school who are pregnant or who are single parents? Yes <Y> No <Y> DK <Y>
9. In your opinion, how much of a priority does your school assign to HIV/AIDS/sexuality education.
a) reading language/arts higher: <Y> lower <Y> same <Y> don't know <Y>
b) math: higher <Y> lower <Y> same <Y> don't know <Y>
c) science education: higher <Y> lower <Y> same <Y> don't know <Y>
d) arts & music ed: higher <Y> lower <Y> same <Y> don't know <Y>
e) physical education: higher <Y> lower <Y> same <Y> don't know <Y>
f) social studies: higher <Y> lower <Y> same <Y> don't know <Y>
g) health education: higher <Y> lower <Y> same <Y> don't know <Y>
h) vocational education: higher <Y> lower <Y> same <Y> don't know <Y>
i) other: <A > higher <Y> lower <Y> same <Y> don't know <Y>
j) tobacco: higher <Y> lower <Y> same <Y> don't know <Y>
k) nutrition/disorders: higher <Y> lower <Y> same <Y> don't know <Y>
l) alcohol and drugs: higher <Y> lower <Y> same <Y> don't know <Y>
m) violence: higher <Y> lower <Y> same <Y> don't know <Y>
n) sexual abuse: higher <Y> lower <Y> same <Y> don't know <Y>
o) injuries: higher <Y> lower <Y> same <Y> don't know <Y>
p) other (please specify <A >
higher <Y> lower <Y> same <Y> don't know <Y>
10. Please indicate at what grade levels and in what instructional program your school requires all students receive instruction about HIV/AIDS.
The reguirement to teacher about HIV/AIDS is not mandatory at any grade level. <Y>
It is mandatory to teach about HIV/AIDS at these levels and in these subjects: <Y>
Grade Seven: is health education mandatory <Y> is HIV/AIDS education mandatory <Y> is sexuality education mandatory <Y> is HIV/STD covered in physical education curricula <Y> is HIV/STD covered in mandatory family life curricula <Y> is HIV/STD covered in other subjects <Y>
Grade Eight: is health education mandatory <Y> is HIV/AIDS education mandatory <Y> is sexuality education mandatory <Y> is HIV/STD covered in physical education curricula <Y> is HIV/STD covered in mandatory family life curricula <Y> is HIV/STD covered in other subjects <Y>
Grade Nine: is health education mandatory <Y> is HIV/AIDS education mandatory <Y> is sexuality education mandatory <Y> is HIV/STD covered in physical education curricula <Y> is HIV/STD covered in mandatory family life curricula <Y> is HIV/STD covered in other subjects <Y>
Grade Ten: is health education mandatory <Y> is HIV/AIDS education mandatory <Y> is sexuality education mandatory <Y> is HIV/STD covered in physical education curricula <Y> is HIV/STD covered in mandatory family life curricula <Y> is HIV/STD covered in other subjects <Y>
Grade Eleven: is health education mandatory <Y> is HIV/AIDS education mandatory <Y> is sexuality education mandatory <Y> is HIV/STD covered in physical education curricula <Y> is HIV/STD covered in mandatory family life curricula <Y> is HIV/STD covered in other subjects <Y>
11. Can parents choose to exempt their children from HIV/STD/sexuality education in your school? Yes <Y> No <Y> DK <Y>
12. From your own experience, estimate the proportion or parents that have chosen to exempt their children ###.###
13. Please indicate at what grade levels that students opt to study HIV/AIDS/STDs or sexuality as part of an optional course.
Middle School/Junior High
Health Course <Y> HC% ###.## Family Studies <Y> FS% ###.##
Ethics/Religion <Y> ER% ###.## Other <Y> O% ###.##
Senior High
Health Course <Y> H% ###.## Family Studies <Y> FS% ###.##
Phys. Ed <Y> PE% ###.## Ethics <Y> E% ###.##
Sociology <Y> Soc % ###.## Other <Y> Ot% ###.##
14. Please describe for the grade levels in your school, the amount of instructional time recommended for students to take courses related to HIV/AIDS/STDs/sexuality, as well as your estimate of the time that is actually spent of these courses.
Grade Seven:
Recommended time per year on HIV/AID ##.## Actual time ##.##
Recommended time per year on STDs ##.## Actual time ##.##
Recommended time per year on sexuality ##.## Actual time ##.##
Grade Eight:
Recommended time per year on HIV/AID ##.## Actual time ##.##
Recommended time per year on STDs ##.## Actual time ##.##
Recommended time per year on sexuality ##.## Actual time ##.##
Grade Nine:
Recommended time per year on HIV/AID ##.## Actual time ##.##
Recommended time per year on STDs ##.## Actual time ##.##
Recommended time per year on sexuality ##.## Actual time ##.##
Grade Ten:
Recommended time per year on HIV/AID ##.## Actual time ##.##
Recommended time per year on STDs ##.## Actual time ##.##
Recommended time per year on sexuality ##.## Actual time ##.##
Grade Eleven:
Recommended time per year on HIV/AID ##.## Actual time ##.##
Recommended time per year on STDs ##.## Actual time ##.##
Recommended time per year on sexuality ##.## Actual time ##.##
Grade Twelve:
Recommended time per year on HIV/AID ##.## Actual time ##.##
Recommended time per year on STDs ##.## Actual time ##.##
Recommended time per year on sexuality ##.## Actual time ##.##
15. Describe (for all grade levels) how HIV/AIDS instruction is delivered.
Grade 7
as part of sexuality theme within a required Health/personal development curriculum
as part of another required course such as science/language arts <Y>
primarily through special presentations from public health/etc. <Y>
Grade 8
as part of sexuality theme within a required Health/personal development curriculum
as part of another required course such as science/language arts <Y>
primarily through special presentations from public health/etc. <Y>
Grade 9
as part of sexuality theme within a required Health/personal development curriculum
as part of another required course such as science/language arts <Y>
primarily through special presentations from public health/etc. <Y>
Grade 10
as part of sexuality theme within a required Health/personal development curriculum
as part of another required course such as science/language arts <Y>
primarily through special presentations from public health/etc. <Y>
Grade 11
as part of sexuality theme within a required Health/personal development curriculum
as part of another required course such as science/language arts <Y>
primarily through special presentations from public health/etc. <Y>
Grade 12
as part of sexuality theme within a required Health/personal development curriculum
as part of another required course such as science/language arts <Y>
primarily through special presentations from public health/etc. <Y>
16. Has the school principal in your school taken the following actions to support HIV/sexuality education?
a) determined if all teachers of HIV/AIDS/Sexuality have
had specific training or qualifications:
planned within next two years <Y> currently done regularly <Y> done at least
once within last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y>
never done <Y> don't know <Y>
b) ensured that teachers have copies of
authorized/recommended teaching materials:
planned within next two years <Y> currently done regularly <Y> done at least
once within last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y>
never done <Y> don't know <Y>
c) reviewed the teaching materials being used in the
light of school district or ministry criteria:
planned within next two years <Y> currently done regularly <Y> done at least
once within last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y>
never done <Y> don't know <Y>
d) established guidelines for use of external speakers:
planned within next two years <Y> currently done regularly <Y> done at least
once within last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y>
never done <Y> don't know <Y>
e) reviewed procedures for teacher-guidance counselor
consultations regarding student sexual health problems:
planned within next two years <Y> currently done regularly <Y> done at least
once within last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y>
never done <Y> don't know <Y>
17. Please describe how your school monitors student academic achievement in health and sexuality education.
a) are students given a grade for their health education
Yes <Y> No <Y> DK <Y>
b) which system is used to grade students in health
percentage <Y> letter grade <Y> pass/fail <Y> don't know <Y> other
<Y> specify <A >
c) do all health teachers in your school use the same criteria for grading Yes <Y> No <Y> DK <Y>
d) check off criteria for grading in health education
don't know <Y> attendance <Y> participation in class <Y> written tests
of knowledge <Y> assessment of attitudes <Y> assessment of skills <Y>
Other <Y> specify <A >
e) describe how health education marks are used,
relative to other subjects, in determining academic recognition.
don't know <Y> health education grades not counted <Y> counted same as other
subjects <Y> counted but differently than other subjects <Y> Other <Y>
specify <A >
f) if students fail a required health education course, do they take the course again? Yes <Y> No <Y> DK <Y> Other <Y> Specify <A >
g) does your school recognize excellence in health education in the same way as other subjects? Yes <Y> No <Y> DK <Y> in part <Y> explain <A >
h) is your school required to report student grades in health education to the school district/ministry? Yes, the same way as other subjects <Y> yes, but differently than other subjects <Y> No <Y> don't know <Y> our school is not required to report grades to school district or ministry <Y>
18. Describe ways your school seeks to make the presentations and topics health/sexuality/HIV education relevant to the needs and interests of your students.
a) the public health nurse has done or helped school
staff to assess student needs and interests:
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
b) the school staff has used a published student needs
assessment tool without help from public health staff:
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
c) the school staff has reviewed the results of local,
provincial or national studies of student health knowledge, behaviours, and attitudes to
update methods and materials:
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
19. Does your school currently (or recently) take the following actions to support the implementation of HIV/AIDS/STDs/sexuality education?
a) encouraged staff to seek incentives/innovation grants
from external sources:
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
b) maintained contact with a network of health
education/AIDS/sexuality education contacts in the community:
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
c) promoted model programs or innovative approaches by
sponsoring workshops or travel:
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
d) funded or organized teacher inservice:
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
e) provided funds to school for materials for
HIV/AIDS/STDs/sexuality education:
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
f) facilitated student and staff use of electronic
learning resources:
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
g) involved parents in information meetings and
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
h) sent information directly to parents on
HIV/AIDS/STDs/sexuality program:
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
i) included take home learning activities for students
to use with their parents as part of sexuality education courses:
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
j) included AIDS/HIV/STDs/sexuality issues in peer
helper programs:
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
k) funded, supported or recognized student groups that
are active on HIV/AIDS/STDs/sexuality:
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
l) developed an agreement with public health nurse in
supporting instruction:
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
m) encouraged AIDS/STDs/sexuality groups to work with
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
n) monitored and reported on levels of involvement of
parents, students and health groups in instruction:
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
o) adapted learning materials for:
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
students with disabilities:
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
aboriginal students:
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
cultural minorities:
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
20. Has your staff reviewed the school district
procedures to ensure confidentiality of student/staff infected with HIV?
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
21. Has your school principal issued an explicit
statement or taken steps to ensure that HIV infected or gay, lesbian and bi-sexual
students or staff are not subject to discrimination or harassment?
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
22. Have the school principal and guidance staff
reviewed the school district/ministry guidelines on the role of guidance counsellors?
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
23. Does the school principal regularly review the
number and nature of student health problems with the guidance counsellor?
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
24. Has your school consciously tried to connect your school program with the public health and community services and activities that prevent HIV/STDs or promote sexual health? Yes <Y> No <Y> DK <Y> in part <Y> describe <A >
25. Does your school take the following actions to support parent and family involvement in HIV/STD/sexuality education?
a) explained the goals and nature of the
HIV/STD/sexuality program to the Parents Advisory Committee:
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
b) school staff are part of a community health or
HIV/STD/sexuality coalition:
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
c) school sends information of HIV/STDs/sexuality to
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
d) school has survey students on their perceptions of
the school's HIV/STD/sexuality programs:
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
e) school has surveyed parents on their perceptions of the school's HIV/STD/sexuality programs: planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done <Y> don't know <Y>
f) school has invited professionals to advise the school's health committee planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done <Y> don't know <Y>
26. Has your school staff reviewed the written guidelines on universal precautions to prevent HIV infection? Yes <Y> No <Y> When <dd/mm/yy> DK <Y>
27. Is the school principal required to report on compliance with guidelines by
a) regular surveys or required reporting by schools/
school districts Yes <Y> No <Y> DK <Y>
b) Other <Y> Specify <A >
28. Has your school staff been trained in these
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
29. Has your school taken the following steps to improve or maintain a healthy school climate by:
a) facilitating students' access to condom dispensers:
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
b) implementing programs to eliminate sexual harassment:
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
c) implementing programs to prohibit discrimination
based on sexual orientation:
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never done
<Y> don't know <Y>
d) Other: specify <A >
planned within next 2 years <Y> occurs regularly <Y> done at least once within
last 3 years <Y> done at least once within last 4-10 years <Y> never
done <Y> don't know <Y>
30. What is the most significant barrier you have encountered in improving HIV/AIDS/STDs/sexuality programs in your school.
<A >
31. What is the one thing that would help you most?
<A >