Planned Instruction - Teaching Time

8.2.3 Planned Instruction - Teaching Time

As described earlier in this report (MOE-10) about half (54.5%) of education ministries reported that they stipulated or recommended time for HIV/AIDS/sexuality instruction per grade level. 18.2% stipulated a minimum time, but did not designate specific grade levels. 36.4% stipulated a minimum time and designated the grade levels.

The average time stipulated for sexuality instruction among ministries who have done this is 8.3 hours per year.

27.2% of schools districts (SD-12) said that they did not stipulate or recommend time for HIV sexuality instruction. 2.8 % said they did, but not the grade level. 63.0% said that they followed the ministry guidelines.

However, when we asked school principals (SP-14) to describe the recommended and actual instructional time spent on HIV/sexuality instruction, they could not do so. Most said that they followed ministry guidelines.

Teachers reported (T-I-8) that the average length of a typical unit on HIV/AIDS was 2.8 hours per year. Another question (T-I-9) asked teachers to report on how many hours they spent teaching about sexuality. They reported, on average, a range between two and five hours.

Figure 129

Average Time Spent

Teaching Sexuality Education



Grade 7

2.89 hours

Grade 8

5.17 hours

Grade 9

4.17 hours

Grade 10

2.85 hours

Grade 11

2.07 hours

Grade 12

2.55 hours

Unfortunately, these two questions about actual teaching time were not directly linked in the written questionnaire. There may be some lack of clarity in combining these responses on HIV and sexuality instruction to give a total time because teachers may have interpreted education about HIV as part of the sex education they provide. However, it is safe to say that teachers are reporting that they actually teach between three and eight hours on HIV and sexuality.

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